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Welcome to the Freedom Archives' Digital Search Engine.The Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements. We are also in the process of scanning and uploading thousands of historical documents which enrich our media holdings. Our collection includes weekly news, poetry, music programs; in-depth interviews and reports on social and cultural issues; numerous voices from behind prison walls; diverse activists; and pamphlets, journals and other materials from many radical organizations and movements.


This collection includes a wide range of audio tapes and English publications about the Palestinian struggle for self determination, the colonization of Palestine and Zionism. Political journals and monographs from multiple viewpoints on topics such as Zionism, Israeli abuses of human rights and international law, the role of the US and Britain policy in shaping Palestine, as well as on the Middle East and the Arab world. Perspectives in this collection are drawn from international organizations in the West and the Middle East, Palestinian revolutionary organizations, academics, thinkers and students, and voices of everyday Palestinian resistance. The majority of the materials in this collection are paper documents; monographs, periodicals, articles and pamphlets; however it also includes a number of important and unique audio materials. The bulk of the collection focuses on Palestinian resistance between 1948 and the early 1990s.   

News and information about Palestine: Institute for Middle East Understanding; If Americans Knew; B’TSELEM (Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories);

Analysis on Palestine: ElectronicIntifada; Mondoweiss; +972 Magazine


Getting Back to the Basics for the 80's Getting Back to the Basics for the 80's
Author: Dr. Sabah KabbaniPublisher: The National Association of Arab AmericansDate: 1/26/1980Format: TranscriptCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
Speech given by Dr. Sabah Kabbani (Ambassador of Syria) to the San Francisco Chapter of the National Association of Arab Americans.
Jewish Influence on the United States Media Jewish Influence on the United States Media
Publisher: The Palestine Arab DelegationFormat: MonographCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
Following an introduction to the subject, this monograph features systematically organized data indicating Jewish presence in the television networks and selected TV stations, selected magazines and daily newspapers throughout the United States.
On Zionism and the Role of the Arab-American Community On Zionism and the Role of the Arab-American Community
Author: Mansur R. KikhiaPublisher: Mission of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the U.N. Info SectionVolume Number: Libyan Papers No. 5Format: PamphletCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
The pamphlet is adopted from remarks at a banquet on the occasion of the eight anniversary of The Source.
On Human Rights and the Palestinians On Human Rights and the Palestinians
Author: Mansur R. KikhiaPublisher: Mission of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the U.N. Info SectionYear: 1977Volume Number: Libyan Papers No. 2Format: PamphletCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
The pamphlet is adopted from remarks made before a joint banquet of the Association of Arab-American University Graduates and the Arab-American Congress for Palestine. The banquet was held in Chicago on the Commemoration of Palestine Day on May 7, 1977.
Tension and Peace in the Middle East:  An Account of the Tragedy of the Holyland Tension and Peace in the Middle East: An Account of the Tragedy of the Holyland
Author: Izzat TannousPublisher: The Palestine Arab Refugee OfficeDate: 5/1957Format: MonographCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
A brief account of the historic background of the tragedy in Palestine, the tension it has caused in the Middle East and the disastrous effects it will have on the whole world if a just solution to the Palestine problem is not found.
The ABC of the Palestine Problem: Part 1 (1896-1949) The ABC of the Palestine Problem: Part 1 (1896-1949)
Publisher: The Arab Women's Information CommitteeFormat: MonographCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
A detailed timeline laying out the specific process and set of events that facilitated the Zionist takeover of Palestine. Includes facts, statistics, names, places, very comprehensive. Chapter 1: The Idea of a Zionist State leads to the Balfour Declaration 1896-1917. Chapter 2: The Years of the Promise: Jewish Development Under British Protection 1917-1939. Chapter 3: The Years of Militant Zionism and American Support 1939-1947. Chapter 4: The Big Takeover 1947-1949
The Future of Palestine: Address by Dr. Clovis Maksoud (Special Envoy League of Arab States) The Future of Palestine: Address by Dr. Clovis Maksoud (Special Envoy League of Arab States)
Author: Dr. Clovis MaksoudPublisher: Los Angeles World Affairs CouncilDate: 6/25/1975Format: TranscriptCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
Speech given before the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, June 25, 1975.
Beyond Security: Private Perceptions among Arabs and Israelis Beyond Security: Private Perceptions among Arabs and Israelis
Author: John Edwin MrozPublisher: International Peace AcademyYear: 1980Format: BookCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
During 1978 and 1979, 175 Arab and Israeli political leaders, diplomats, military officers, educators, businessmen, and journalists participated in a series of off-the-record discussions on the security dimensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. An analysis of the contents of the notes taken from those discussions forms the framework for this volume.
New Outlook (October 1969) New Outlook (October 1969)
Publisher: New Outlook MagazineDate: 10/1969Volume Number: Vol. 12-8Format: PeriodicalCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
Monthly periodical dedicated to issues of peace in the Middle East. Articles include Zionism, the Jews, and the Arabs, J. Majdalany, S. Flapan, G. Yatziv, P. Merhav; Arab Nationalism and Community, Warren L. Young and Policy: Drift or Mastery, Yehoshua Arieli.
New Outlook - War of the Stones New Outlook - War of the Stones
Publisher: New Outlook MagazineYear: 1988Volume Number: Vol. 31-2Format: PeriodicalCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
Monthly periodical dedicated to issues of peace in the Middle East.