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Welcome to the Freedom Archives' Digital Search Engine.The Freedom Archives contains over 12,000 hours of audio and video recordings which date from the late-1960s to the mid-90s and chronicle the progressive history of the Bay Area, the United States, and international movements. We are also in the process of scanning and uploading thousands of historical documents which enrich our media holdings. Our collection includes weekly news, poetry, music programs; in-depth interviews and reports on social and cultural issues; numerous voices from behind prison walls; diverse activists; and pamphlets, journals and other materials from many radical organizations and movements.


This collection includes a wide range of audio tapes and English publications about the Palestinian struggle for self determination, the colonization of Palestine and Zionism. Political journals and monographs from multiple viewpoints on topics such as Zionism, Israeli abuses of human rights and international law, the role of the US and Britain policy in shaping Palestine, as well as on the Middle East and the Arab world. Perspectives in this collection are drawn from international organizations in the West and the Middle East, Palestinian revolutionary organizations, academics, thinkers and students, and voices of everyday Palestinian resistance. The majority of the materials in this collection are paper documents; monographs, periodicals, articles and pamphlets; however it also includes a number of important and unique audio materials. The bulk of the collection focuses on Palestinian resistance between 1948 and the early 1990s.   

News and information about Palestine: Institute for Middle East Understanding; If Americans Knew; B’TSELEM (Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories);

Analysis on Palestine: ElectronicIntifada; Mondoweiss; +972 Magazine


  • Arab Perspectives on Palestine
    Various publications concerning the Arab world produced by members of the Arab community both in the Middle East and within the diaspora.
  • Anti-Zionism
    Numerous publications challenging the Zionist ideology and the use of Zionism by the Israeli State to justify territorial claims.
  • Human Rights in Palestine
    Various publications about Israeli Human Rights abuses against Palestinians.
  • International Perspectives on Palestine
    The following collection is comprised of sub-collections focusing on perspectives and information about Palestine from three non-Palestinian organizations.
  • Institute for Palestine Studies
    The Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS) was established in Beirut in 1963 as an independent non-profit research institution, unaffiliated with any political organization or government.
  • Palestinian Revolutionary Organizations
    Literature from revolutionary groups in struggle to liberate Palestine.


Mayor of Hebron Lecture on Palestine Mayor of Hebron Lecture on Palestine
Date: 6/10/1980Call Number: KP 197Format: CassetteCollection: Human Rights in Palestine
The Mayor of Hebron, Palestine, speaks in the US to explain the situation in which his city was shut down by the Israeli army for 27 days. Under this lock down, families were confined to their homes, denied access to their day to day needs, telephones were disconnected, and anyone attempting to enter Hebron from Jerusalem were denied entry. The lock down was part of an occupation that saw people pushed off their land, as well as the rise of 92 settlements.
Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ)
Date: 2/4/1980Call Number: KP 210Format: CassetteProducers: Anne GonskiProgram: KPFACollection: Anti-Zionism
Four members of JAAZ are interviewed on KPFA radio to make the distinction between of what is Zionism and being Jewish and the relation of anti-Semitism. There is also a discussion of Israel's economic motives for settlement of the occupied territories in Palestine, U.S. interests in the Middle East, racism and sexism within Israel itself, and solutions to the conflict.
Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Internal Meeting Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Internal Meeting
Date: 6/28/1980Call Number: KP 211Format: CassetteProducers: JAAZCollection: Anti-Zionism
JAAZ members pose many questions in order to clarify and discuss their purpose, focus, actions, and general political direction. There is frank examination of specific stances on Zionism in regards to a Jewish state and Palestine and the occupation of the West Bank. This is Part 1 of 2 -- see KP 212.
Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Internal Meeting Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Internal Meeting
Date: 6/28/1980Call Number: KP 212Format: CassetteProducers: JAAZCollection: Anti-Zionism
JAAZ members pose many questions in order to clarify and discuss their purpose, focus, actions, and general political direction. There is frank examination of specific stances on Zionism in regards to a Jewish state and Palestine and the occupation of the West Bank. Consideration of the relation of anti-Semitism in Zionism and role Jews in the U.S. can play in assisting with the Palestinian right to self-determination. This is Part 2 of 2 -- see KP 211.
Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Study Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Study
Date: 1/1/1980Call Number: KP 213Format: CassetteProducers: JAAZCollection: Anti-Zionism
JAAZ members' educational workshop on Middle Eastern culture within the broader context of Israel. Covers the strategic history of oil economics in relations to U.S. policy. In-depth examination of women historically in Islamic culture plus current issues and movement. Includes discussion of genital mutilation. Part 1 of 2 - see KP 214.
Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Study Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Study
Date: 1/1/1980Call Number: KP 214Format: CassetteProducers: JAAZCollection: Anti-Zionism
JAAZ members' educational workshop on Middle Eastern culture within the broader context of Israel. In-depth feminist analysis and the roles of women in both Israel and Palestine-also includes other discussion of class struggles and racism within that context. Some of the early history of Jewish and Islamic relations. Part 2 of 2 - see KP 213.
Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Study on Jewish History Jewish Alliance Against Zionism (JAAZ) Study on Jewish History
Date: 3/27/1980Call Number: KP 219Format: CassetteCollection: Anti-Zionism
JAAZ members' internal educational workshop on Jewish history from around the time of Christ until the early Middle Ages.
Getting Back to the Basics for the 80's Getting Back to the Basics for the 80's
Author: Dr. Sabah KabbaniPublisher: The National Association of Arab AmericansDate: 1/26/1980Format: TranscriptCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
Speech given by Dr. Sabah Kabbani (Ambassador of Syria) to the San Francisco Chapter of the National Association of Arab Americans.
Beyond Security: Private Perceptions among Arabs and Israelis Beyond Security: Private Perceptions among Arabs and Israelis
Author: John Edwin MrozPublisher: International Peace AcademyYear: 1980Format: BookCollection: Arab Perspectives on Palestine
During 1978 and 1979, 175 Arab and Israeli political leaders, diplomats, military officers, educators, businessmen, and journalists participated in a series of off-the-record discussions on the security dimensions of the Arab-Israeli conflict. An analysis of the contents of the notes taken from those discussions forms the framework for this volume.
The West Bank  - Hostage of History The West Bank - Hostage of History
Authors: William Claiborne and Edward CodyPublisher: Foundation for Middle East PeaceYear: 1980Format: MonographCollection: Human Rights in Palestine
Provides historical information on the development of, and policies surrounding, Israeli settlements in the West Bank.